Zmiany konstytucyjne

| 27 Dec 2017

logoszkoly2Drodzy Rodzice/Opiekunowie,

W odpowiedzi na zeszłoroczną decyzję wprowadzenia zmian w naszej szkolnej konstytucji i w rezultacie  głosowania podczas ostatniego  Walnego Zebrania, które odbyło się w sobotę 11 listopada 2017 r. o godzinie 13:15 w głównej auli naszej szkoły, poniższa addycja konstytucyjna zostanie zaprezentowana Charity Commission Of England and Wales po upływie 21 dni od dzisiejszej daty.

“Membership of the Charity shall be granted to all of its remunerated employees (Head Teacher, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Admin workers) whose children do not attend the school. They will be assigned an ‘Employee Member’ status.

This is in order to recognise the importance of their additional work outside of their normal remunerated work, which greatly benefits the Association.

For such membership they shall not be obligated to pay an annual membership fee. Their membership shall expire with the last day of their employment.

In order to remain compliant with the Charity Commission guidelines, Employee Members will not hold voting or decision making powers on their own remuneration, financial management of the Association or appointment and removal of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reverse this decision if a conflict of interests arises as a result of this change.”


Kategoria: Aktualności

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